Meet Tui Team

When children start school at Pukete they will all begin in the 'Foundation' class. This class focuses on ensuring children have the foundation skills required for accessing the formal school curriculum: school routines, phonological awareness, oral language, numeracy, social skills, gross and fine motor skills, vocabulary, understanding about print etc.

When children are ready (based on certain criteria), they will move through to a 'Next Step' Year 1 class for the remainder of the year, where they will receive more formal curriculum teaching.


Room 11 - Donna Barker (Team Leader)

Mrs Donna Barker is the team leader of the Tui team. She is an experienced teacher who enjoys getting to know all the students and parents as they start at Pukete School. She has a huge interest in transitioning children to school and loves watching as they progress through the school.

Room 12 - Nikki Neville

Mrs. Nikki Neville has been at Pukete School since 2020. This year she is in Room 12 again teaching year 1’s. Her teaching background in ECE further supports children as they settle into school. She loves art, music, and literacy. She loves to bake, read, and spend time with her husband and 2 children when she is at home.

Heather Boddy & Jackie Phillips

Mrs Heather Boddy has been teaching at Pukete School since 2007. She is a trained Reading Recovery teacher who loves teaching reading and writing to junior children. She enjoys making her class beautiful by filling it with children's work. Mrs Boddy teaches Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Room 14 and in Room 2 (when opened).

Jackie Phillips

I have been teaching at Pukete for over 18 years. I have taught in most areas of the school, and my last full time position was as the Kea team leader. I now teach for 3 days of the week and am privileged to be able to work in a lot of wonderful classes across the school as the curriculum release teacher. Outside of school, I am kept busy living on a lifestyle block in Tauwhare with 3 grandchildren, 4 cats, 5 sheep, a cow and numerous chickens. Mrs Phillips teaches on Wednesday’s in Room 14 and in Room 2 (when opened).

Room 14 - TERESA Smith

Mrs Teresa Smith is an experienced teacher and has a real interest in the teaching of Literacy, Te Reo Maori and our school Virtues. She loves getting to know all students and families and enjoys transitioning children to school and being a part of the beginning of their school journey.


Mrs Anna Manukau is in Room 14 and will be working with Mrs Teresa Smith in the Foundation Class. She has been at Pukete School since 2020 and has previously taught in ECE. Her interests include literacy, te reo Māori, Learning through Play and supporting tamariki and their whānau to transition to school. She is on the School PTA, the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) team and the Health and PE team as the organiser of the Out of School Sports teams.