Student Support
We have many support agencies available to the school to assist the needs of children, where required.
Reading Recovery
Reading Recovery is an early literacy intervention programme that provides one to one teaching for children who have made slow progress learning to read and write in their first year of school. Children are taught by specifically trained teacher for 30 minutes everyday for a period of 12-20 weeks. There are many reasons why a child may find reading and writing difficult at first and the children taken into Reading Recovery are those who have made the least progress relative to their peers. With one to one teaching the children make accelerated progress as the teacher designs each lesson for the individual child. Pukete school has two Reading Recovery Teachers.
ESOL (English as a Second Language)
At Pukete school we provide English language tuition for children who are learning English as they are from a non-English speaking background. The ESOL literacy programme helps individuals and/or groups to achieve competence in the English language.
Public Health Nurse
The Public Health Nurse assists in monitoring health issues at the school by networking with social and health agencies in the community. The Public Health Nurse also works with individual children with known health problems, assesses health concerns from teacher referrals, and supports the teaching of the school health programme.
Vision and Hearing Testing
All children have their vision and hearing tested at pre-school prior to commencing school. When the testers visit (each term), opportunities are given for teachers and parents to refer older children or children who may not have been previously tested. Parents are contacted if there is concern. If parents do not wish their child to be checked, or their child is currently under specialist care, then the school needs to be informed.
Speech and Language Therapist
The Speech/Language Therapist regularly visits the school. Children are referred by the teacher in consultation with the parents. If help is to be given, programmes and home help guidelines are provided.