Kiwi Team
Kiwi Team 2020
Rooms: 18, 19, 20 and 21
Room 18 Miss Hilary Milne (Team Leader)
Rm 19 Mrs Nikki Neville
Rm 20 Miss Nicole Hayhurst
Rm 21 Mrs Andrea Ray
The Kiwi team are a bunch of wonderful Year One and Two learners.
In Year Two our main focus is Literacy and Numeracy; as well as developing the Key Competencies; Managing Self, Relating to Others, Participating and Contributing, Thinking, and Using Language, Symbols and Texts.
Here is our team:
Hilary is excited to begin her 7th year at Pukete School. She enjoys teaching literacy and maths. In her spare time she is usually looking for her next travel adventure. Her door is always open, so feel free to pop in.
Miss Nicole Hayhurst is very excited to begin her 3rd year at Pukete school in her new classroom, Room 20. She enjoys singing, literacy and art. In her spare time she likes to spend quality time with her family (including her pets), reading and drawing.
Mrs Andrea Ray joins us again this year in Room 21, but with year 2’s. She enjoys teaching art, literacy and technology. Her room is a fun and creative place to learn in. She enjoys spending time with her husband, 2 children, camping, reading and photography.
Mrs Nikki Neville is delighted to begin her first year at Pukete School. She will be teaching in Room 19, with Year 1’s. Her teaching background in ECE further supports children as they settle into school. She loves art, music and literacy. When she is at home she loves to bake, read, and spend time with her husband and 2 children.